Sunday 29 October 2017

Les principales régions de l`Ontario - 3e année

In Social Studies, the grade 3 students have been exploring the three major landform regions in Ontario: the Canadian Shield (le Bouclier canadien), the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowlands (les basses terres du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs), and the Hudson Bay Lowlands (les basses terres de la baie d`Hudson). Last week, we took a closer look at the distinct characteristics of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (e.g., most populated area, rolling landscape with many hills, mild climate - hot in summer and cold in winter, rich, fertile soil makes the land ideal for farming, main resource is water, close to waterways which makes it ideal for traveling and exporting, Toronto is the largest city in this area). At home, students should continue to practice identifying the three major landform regions and the five Great Lakes on a map of Ontario.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Communities Around the World - Grade 2

In Social Studies, the grade 2 students are using the inquiry process to investigate the lifestyles of communities from around the world and compare them to their own community. Each student has selected a different country to research. This week students gathered information on the climate, the food, and the animals of their selected country. At home, students are encouraged to practice locating the country they have selected for their project on a map of the world. They can also read more about their country by clicking on the link on the left-hand side of this blog entitled "Scholastic`s Global Trek" and selecting their specific country. 

Saturday 7 October 2017

Les animaux de compagnie

Bienvenue and welcome to our class blog! The first theme that we are exploring in French is about pets (les animaux de compagnie). Students should be familiar with the following animals:

un chien (a dog)                                 un chat (a cat)
un lapin (a rabbit)                              un oiseau (a bird)
un poisson (a fish)                             une grenouille (a frog)
une tortue (a turtle)                            un hamster (a hamster)
une gerbille (a gerbil)                        une souris (a mouse)
un rat (a rat)                                       un cobaye (a guinea pig)
un furet (a ferret)                               un hérisson (a hedgehog)
un lézard (a lizard)                            un serpent (a snake)
un cheval (a horse)

They should also be able to ask the following questions and provide oral and written responses using simple sentences:

Q1. Est-ce que tu as un animal de compagnie?
Oui, j`ai un animal de compagnie.
Non, je n`ai pas d`animal de compagnie.

Q2. Qu`est-ce que c`est?
C`est un lapin.

Q3. Comment s`appelle-t-il? 
Il s`appelle Bonbon.

Q4. Comment s`appelle-t-elle?
Elle s`appelle Lola.

Q5. Quel est ton animal de compagnie préféré?
Mon animal de compagnie préféré est ...

Q6. Est-ce que tu aimes les serpents?    
Oui, j`aime les serpents.
Non, je n`aime pas les serpents.

Q7. De quelle couleur est le chien?
Le chien est brun et blanc.